Well, Krys and I doing very well. We've been married exactly one year and twenty days now as Krys now informs me. For Memorial Day we went fishing at Utah Lake with our next door neighbors who may or may not live seven feet from us. It's been forever since I've last been fishing. It turned out to be rather productive. Our family caught one large-mouth bass [15 inches in length], a perch which we let go and a carp that never left the water. I got the chance to mostly gut our fish. A first for me. Then we barbecued it and then we ate it. Yeah, we're awesome.
For other news Krys is a real aunt and I'm a fake uncle. Her sister CJ had her first child. Payton Jo. Krys is totally excited. So am I. So tomorrow we head up and meet the new one. Hooray for new people!
And for a picture of Krys and I for a celebratory anniversary picture. We're cute.