Thursday, December 26, 2013

10 months

We want to wish everyone a merry Christmas. Zack is now ten months old and keeping us busy. We are very grateful for the break from work and school. Here are some things with our boy. He has started to stand on his own now. He's very good at getting into just about everything. He'll wave to people. He also makes farting noises. We love him and he loves us.

He's not a huge fan of the snow.

Dancing at a wedding reception.

Playing with a straw on Christmas morning.

He got himself into the cupboard.

Not puking in a toilet.

"I'm done eating."

Snacking on a strawberry.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ocho meses

Yep, eight months now. He is very mobile now. His favorite places are now the laundry room and the bathroom. He will scale the side of the couch, the bathtub, the TV stand, and my legs. His balance is much less shaky now than it was a month ago. He also had a few spills and would cry if he wanted to get down. The nickname Zadam is starting to stick and I love it. We are a pretty awesome family.

Actual smiles. 
 "Nothing to see here, move along."
 Outside being handsome.
Alma read Zack a Little Critter story and it was awesome.

Friday, September 27, 2013

7 Months

 Well, Zack is 7 months old.  So here a few pictures.  He's got the crawling thing down pretty well. He likes basically all foods. He'll eat whatever he can get his hands on now. Also, he loves his parents.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sanchez Family Reunion

A few weeks ago we had a crazy good time with the Sanchez family. It started with a Sanchez family reunion down in Price Utah, then a trip to Lagoon, and ended with a lot of the family running in the Wasatch Back Ragnar.

Zack's cousins all love him (or at least like to poke him)
So happy with Grandma Connie and a cup

Yes he is wearing Zack's hat

Lily and Ella standing by our "Sanchez family" sign.

Fil's dad was nice and watched Zack so we could go on some roller coasters.

One of our favorites.

Waiting for the Ferris Wheel.

Looking at the sights on the top of the Ferris Wheel. He didn't like the wind very much.

Spit Bubble from Xenia!

Riding the train!

Stanley, Xenia, and Rex waiting in line for the boats.

Sleeping in the stroller.

Stanley would turn the steering wheel all the way to one side and then let go and just spin in his bumper car.

We had tons of fun! Thanks Sanchez Family!!!

The Garden: Redone

I am sad to say that a lot of our plants didn't make it. The watermelon, cantaloupe, zucchini, yellow squash and cucumbers all got eaten by bugs or destroyed by fungus. By the time we sprayed them it was too late :(

So we bought some "pre-grown" plants and they have survived the last few weeks.
Here are some pictures:

The tomato plants are getting cute little tomatoes!




Our mini corn field.
Learning how to grow a garden is really fun. I might be a little obsessed with weeding though. We went on a walk the other day and I almost started picking the weeds growing in the sidewalk!

Zack - 4 Months

Zack is 4 months old already!

Some thoughts about him:
-he loves to laugh
-he can roll over (back to tummy) when he is on our bed but when he is on the floor he only goes to his side
-he has really learned how to scream when he is hungry or tired
-he started sleeping in his crib in his room instead of the cradle in our room
-he has some nice rolls, especially his thighs (we call them thunder thighs)
-he has two little teeth on the bottom

Here are some of our favorite pictures of him (sorry if they are blurry, I took most of them with my phone camera)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Veggie Garden

Our up-stairs neighbor Mindy and I decided to plant a garden this year. We have a HUGE dirt plot behind our rental house and the lawn-care guys said they wouldn't ruin it if we planted. We decided to plant the following:
-yellow squash
-green onions
-bell peppers (both green and red)

After planting all that we probably only took up about 1/8 of the land back there!

Here are some pictures of the garden from last week...

A cute row of tomato plants. They now have cages and are about twice as big!

Row of onions. We bought three different kinds. Hopefully they work since we planted them really late.

Our cute little zucchini sprout. It is also a lot bigger now!

The corn coming up. I am so excited for fresh corn on the cob!

The tomato plant has little blossoms now.
The garden. You can kind of see the corn to the far right (there are 6 rows of corn) and the strawberries and peppers hadn't been planted when I took this picture.

 I'll take some more pictures in a few weeks, hopefully I get lots of veggies this summer!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Why I love teaching

As this school year comes to a close I decided to let the kids "grade" me by filling out a survey. I got some great feedback and some very interesting responses. I put my favorites below!


 Don't know if I taught them this but it's a good thing to learn.
Proof that I'm a mean teacher.

Hehe, crazy students.

I'd say this was successful.

 And this is why I teach.