Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Why I love teaching

As this school year comes to a close I decided to let the kids "grade" me by filling out a survey. I got some great feedback and some very interesting responses. I put my favorites below!


 Don't know if I taught them this but it's a good thing to learn.
Proof that I'm a mean teacher.

Hehe, crazy students.

I'd say this was successful.

 And this is why I teach.


Dirtius Wifius said...

haha awesome!

Sally said...

I wish more math teachers would add kindness to their curriculum. You are an awesome math teacher and I wish you would move to Helper and take the job open here. :)

tiff said...


garcias said...

I am sure my kids would have the same response about being moody. At least your students learned math while being moody, mine just have to learn to clean up.