Sunday, October 24, 2010

Felipe's Birthday

Attention Readers: Felipe is almost old. He only has 1 year till he is officially old. Don't tell him, he get's a little grumpy when you mention it!

Anyways I thought I would share some great pictures from his birthday a month and a half ago... 
tell you 29 reasons why I love him (one for every year his has been alive)...

1.  He is always willing to help. He moved us into our new apartment even though he was probably exhausted. 

2.  He is so cute, and tries to match his clothes, shoes and belt everyday.

 3.  How he loves to share his desserts with me (mostly because he doesn't like chocolate so I get the chocolate part).

4.  He is willing to try anything I cook.

5.  His handsome smile... 

6.  He helps me cook every night and puts the dinner away after.

 7.  He is ok with trying new things.

8.  He still looks like he is 18 (and acts like it sometimes too).

9.  He is helpful with all the nieces and nephews.

10.  He loves all his family and all mine.

11.  His mad fishing skills.
12.  His chillaxed attitude.

13.  He is not afraid of crawdads.
14.  He kills the spiders in our house (and there is a lot more since we live in the basement).

15.  He is great at sports. He may not be the best but he gives it his all.
16.  He loves everything I do, even if it is dorky...

17.  He loves trains.
18.  He loves his hometown and loves to go visit any chance we get (which is not often enough).

19.  He has a great family that shares with us a lot!
20.  His love of Adidas and Puma everything.

21.  He is funny (not only funny looking, but comical funny).
22.  He is a great pirate. And he has a great pirate voice.

23.  He is great at going along with my crazy ideas. For example... "Hey Felipe, go stand by those sheep and let me take your picture"

24.  He is totally fine with my love of animals.

25.  His love of Nintendo and how he is good at every game.

26.  I love how he loves nature.

27.  He is super awesome (and a very good hippo rider).

28.  He is a great referee and helps the kids learn how to play instead soccer and basketball.

29.  He is the greatest husband in the world, he is amazing, and he loves me more than anything.

I hope Fil enjoys being 29 and can get all of his craziness out before he turns 30!

Look how happy he is to be 29...

Sometimes he is even a little creeper-ish.

See ya!


LJ said...

Leaps should never, never, never get the craziness out. Hang onto that until you're sixty, and THEN maybe I'll agree to it.

haley bloom said...

Love it!! had me cracking up. happy birthday!! very creative, krys. as always!! : )

Sally said...

Hey, you're offending old people with that "almost old" comment! Alma and Violet really enjoyed looking at pictures of Uncle Felipe.

garcias said...

Wow Felipe can you really be that old!! I had no idea. I guess that just makes me older!! I wish we could be there so you could always bail me out still. :) Happy birthday!