Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break

This week is our Spring Break. My goal is to get a whole lot done while Fil is in classes, then hang out with him before he goes to Ohio for his Summer Internship. So far here is what I got done:

-Saw Hunger Games (amazing!)
-Organized the shed
-Cleaned laundry room
-Did all laundry including folding AND putting away
-Sewed a whole bunch of my quilt
-Cleaned my bedroom
-Put on new duvet cover
-Rolled coins to take to the bank
-Ate veggies for lunch :)
-Bought new windshield wipers and put them on my car
-Tried to clean my headlights - they are still foggy after using the anti-foggy headlight cleaning kit

and its only Monday!!!

there is more to come... stayed tuned for pictures of my clean house!


the Sorensen's said...

Hi Krys, When you're done with your list of can come clean my bedroom, organize my garage, finish binding my quilt, do our laundry, and you can even help me count and roll my pennies!
We send our love to both of you.
Have a fun spring break!
Love, Aunt Valerie

Sally said...

Are you still doing Bountiful Baskets?
When you are done with Aunt Valerie's house you can help with mine,too!