Thursday, December 20, 2012

Baby names

I finally told students that I was having a baby boy in march and they will have a sub for at least 6 weeks. They immediately began shouting out name ideas. I had them write their ideas down so I could show "Mr. Sanchez". Here are the ones I thought were pretty funny...

I love the notes about Damon and Damian.

I got a lot of Michael, but not one was spelled correctly - like Michelle.

And Atom instead of Adam. Love it!


Bethany said...

Please name your baby Nemo!

Steffanie said...

I agree with Bethany. Majority wins, guess you get to name him Nemo. Nemo Atom Sanchez.... Has a great ring to it.

Becca Allred said...

I agree too. Nemo it is!

Anonymous said...

I third the Nemo name... We could put a captain before it too.

Sally said...

I vote for Atom. I so wish I had thought of that one myself! Or, as math teacher I think you should consider Trig.

The Randalls said...

Hahaha. Love this. This reminds of that time when Marcos told me I should name my baby Ronaldino and when I told him it was a girl, he said "oh, you should name her Jesus."

tiff said...

I didn't know you were expecting!!!! Congrats!