Monday, March 31, 2008

We're getting married!

We have officially bought our airline tickets to go to St. Louis so we can get married!!! Its going to be a crazy two days. We are moving into our new apartment all day on May 1st, then we leave provo at 11:30 pm and get to St. Louis the next day at 9 am! its going to be crazy but i'm very excited... I secretly wish i didn't have to wait the next 5-6 weeks!


Eliza said...

Yay St. Louis! Hopefully the weather will be beautiful for you.

Julie said...

Best coping mechanism I found is... don't keep track of the day as much as possible. Every once in a while I would find out the date but otherwise I would not count days or weeks. I would only recognize it as the day of the week. Example, today is Friday (not April 4th)

Sally said...

I unsecretly wish I could attend your wedding. So far I have missed Eileen and Sam's, Andrew and Elyn's and now yours. At least I didn't miss mine!