Friday, April 18, 2008

Nothing better to do

It was either this one or the one Sally did. I may do them both.

twenty years ago i...
1) Probably working on the coolest Kindergarten assignment ever: Drawing a vampire!!
2) Obsessed with Ghostbusters. I know, Andy Monahan's birthday party was so themed.
3) I think I swore for the first time

ten years ago i...
1) Just learning that I had potential running the open 400 meter sprint.
2) I was still wearing a U2 Lemon t-shirt that hideous orange shirt and Andy's pants. I was really not fashionable. No, really, even worse than I am now. It was bad.
3) I was a really, really, awkward boy. Not on purpose.

five years ago i...
1) Was convincing people to change religions and become "mormon"
2) Really excited to be returning to my homeland. [That would be the U.S.]
3) Finally figured out how to be the missionary I wanted to be.

three years ago i...
1) I was consistent in writing in my journal
2) Helping my roommate propose to his girlfriend. And yes, I was wearing Andy's matching leopard print pants/vest/bow tie outfit. I'm awesome
3) Avoiding specific people for very good reason.

one year ago i...
1) I was having several very serious conversations about eternity with a beautiful young woman.
2) I grew to dislike the general public
3) Getting back into school

so far this year i have...
1) Proposed. [Technically it was very, very late last year. Dec 15th]
2) Moved. Again. Back in with the boys. Glorious wastes of time
3) Rediscovered my love for Magic: The Gathering. I hate you James Meservy!!

yesterday i...
1) Bought toilet paper that won't give you rashes
2) Made some chicken enchiladas that are way tasty
3) Watched The Office with Krys

today i...
1) sold some books back to BYU
2) Took a final exam
3) will finish off those amazing chicken enchiladas

tomorrow i will...
1) go back to work for the BCF
2) probably hate my soul for going back to the BCF
3) think about studying but then ignore that thought

in the next year i will...
1) get into the major I want
2) travel. A lot
3) get my Christmas stocking from Mom and Dad's. I love that thing

That was me being bored. I hope you all doing well. Apparently people are getting wedding invitations now. I haven't seen them yet. From what I hear, they're awesome. Be good everyone.


garcias said...

Thanks for the update. I still remember you wearing that shirt. It is a good thing it is gone. :)

tiff said...

Felipe, this is your cousin, Tiff. I hope you don't mind me looking at your blog....I was checking out Eileen's and wondering, "Who is FLOPS?" Now I know! :) Congratulations on your engagement! I'm super happy for you. Marriage is the best. Love you!

Sally said...

I remember you being very awkward. Or maybe it was just being a total nerd. Anyway, don't feel bad, just take a look at my 8th grade school photo. Do you like the general public again yet? And your invitations were really, really cool.

Sally said...

If you make it back into this comment zone can I be invited to your blog? It's

JS said...


This is your cousin Jen. I just found your blog... obviously! Congrats on the upcoming wedding.I think my parents are trying to go...

JS said...


ok, so check us out at
Glad you are doing so well!

Jen (Sorensen) Scott