Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm a real teacher now!

So exciting news from the home front! I have landed a job at Orem Jr High teaching three classes of pre-algebra and 4 classes of being a Title One Aid and one prep period! It is the perfect 1st year teaching job. I only have to teach one subject and I get to sit in the back of other math classrooms and help out! I am so excited. I have not decided if I am going to quit the Maxx or not...


Sally said...

Quit the Maxx! Just go for your career, I know you'll be an awesome teacher.

Jon said...


I concur that you should quit the Maxx. Move on to more cerebral activities which will actually contribute to society.

garcias said...

quit the Maxx, Quit the Maxx, Quit The Maxx!, QUIT THE MAXX!!!!!

Diana said...

We are so proud of you!!! You will be awesome.

KrysJo said...

So i dont get my first paycheck until the end of september so I will be at the maxx at least until then!