Saturday, April 17, 2010

Here is a little more about me and Felipe... enjoy!

1. What are your middle names? Jo and T.O.

2. How long have you been together? married almost two years... including dating 2.5 years i think?

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? a few months...

4. Who asked who out? kind of agreed on hanging out

5. Whose siblings do you see the most? Mine

6. Do you have any children together? Nope

7. What about pets? I want a fishy

8. Did you go to the same school? Same college

9. Who is the most sensitive? Me?

10. Where do you eat out most as a couple? On our blue couch... we go get food from all over then come home. Lots of Cafe Rio or Jimmy Johns

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Cancun for the honeymoon

12. Who has the craziest exes? neither I think...

13. Who has the worst temper? Me

14. Who does the cooking? Mostly me, sometimes Fil when I ask him :)

15. Who is more social? Felipe

16. Who does the dishes? We share, but Felipe is really good at them and I wouldn't let that talent go to waste!

17. Who is the most stubborn? Me

18. Who hogs the bed? Felipe - he sleeps in the middle (or diagonally)

19. Who wakes up earlier? Me

20. Where was your first date? To the movies, and we wandered around Borders

21. Do you get flowers often? I used to until I told him I really don't like them.

22. How long did it take to get serious? Well... a few months after we met, or two days after we started "dating"

23. Who eats more? Depends on what we are eating

24. Who sings better? Felipe did choir... but we both don't really sing much ??

25. Who does the laundry? It is actually pretty equal on this one

26. Who’s better with the computer? Felipe on a PC, me on a Mac

27. Who drives when you are together? For a while it was Felipe, since my wallet was stolen! But I got a new license so I'll be driving lots more very soon...

28. Who picks where you go to dinner? We mostly just throw ideas out there and then decide together

29. Who wears the pants? Me, duh

30. Who has the better sense of humor? Felipe

31. Who eats more sweets? Me


garcias said...

That was a great post. I learned at lot more about Felipe, although none of the answers surprised me. Can't wait to see you guys again. Next week!

Sally said...

I like the answer to #23 and I think we need to work on #5! :)

Haley & Caden said...

I really like #16. that is funny..who knew Fil was a good dish washer?! :)Hey...Fil-o-fish. miss you. This was a cute blog!! you should put up pictures when you were kids. I REALLY like the pic of you guys blow kissing!!;P i still would like to see your wedding pics...