1. Felipe is looking for a quick part time summer job with little luck :(
2. We are trying to get outside every day! I have started walking with a new friend two to three times a week. Unfortunately I have not been able to skateboard lately. Felipe tried a little at Eileen's going away party and is getting better. We decided to branch out and try Zumba today. It was quite a workout - let me tell you! If you don't know what Zumba is, it is a mix between aerobics, hip hop dancing, and weights and toning. EEK! I'm sore...
3. We got to babysit our little niece Payton. She is super cute (I wanted to take her home with me) We taught her some basic skills - like brushing her teeth.
4. Sally and crew came into town for Eileen's going away party. Yes, we are not going to talk about Eileen leaving because I don't really believe it yet, nor do I want to believe it! BUT it was awesome to see Sally and kiddos again and hang out with ALL of the family last weekend.
6. I have been planning and getting ready for summer school. I still have a lot to plan but so far it is looking good! We are starting on Monday the 21st and going for 3 weeks. It will be Monday through Friday 8-12 with 2 classes (1.5 hours each with a half hour prep each).
7. We are looking for a new apartment. We did not resign our contract for next year (starting in Sept) so we need to find a new place to live. We would like to move to south Orem or North or South Provo (not central Provo) to get away from the student life, but still be close enough to work and siblings living in Provo.
8. Enjoying life, good friends, amazing family, good times!
Love you all,
Krys and Felipe
Did Felipe go to Zumba also? I love Zumba. I need to see your recipe site!
It is so nice to talk with you when we can. Like you said though, it is great reading your blog. i feel like more involved : ) keep it up!! good luck with summer school.
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