Tuesday, March 26, 2013

One Month Already

Zack is already 1 month old! Here are some random facts about his life so far:

-He loves to stick his tongue out
-He has started to sleep about 6 hours every night
-He gets really grumpy when he is hungry and isn't fed right away
-He loves to pee every time you change his diaper, especially on his dad
-He started smiling when he is done eating and is drifting off to sleep, or when he farts
-He hates his bed - if he wakes up in his bed and is not being held he gets very crabby
-He is getting chunky and developing some wonderful arm and leg rolls
-He loves the color orange
-Socks fall off his feet with in two seconds
-His eyes are getting more brown by the day
-If he could have his way he would eat constantly
-He is very wiggly
-When you hold him he likes to push away from you and look around
-He has his Aunt CJ's disease where he stares off into space without blinking for a long time
-He can sleep through anything but when he wakes up he wants to be eating that second
-He is pretty good in the car
-He sneezes a lot, and loudly (just like his Nana)

I am going to try to take a picture of him with his little monster every month so we can see how much he grows!


Michelle said...

Congratulations! He is so handsome! I loved reading what he is up to at one month. You've got quite the cutie there!

Sally said...

He's already bigger than when I saw him!

Diana said...

It is ok to sneeze loud, isn't it?