Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Snow

Let me start by telling you how much I hate and abhor snow. If I could live in flip flops and t-shirts everyday I would, which is not even close to possible in Provo.

Ok - on to the real story. We went to a movie with friends last Friday. When we went in the theater there was not even a flake of snow in the air, but when we came out there was about 3-4 INCHES on our car! In about an hour or so! Well at this time I discovered I may like snow but just because it looks cool in pictures:

Some berries on the tree outside our apartment.
Snow fireworks on a pine tree.

Felipe freezing his buns off posing for a picture (isn't he so handsome?)
The end. I still hate snow and cannot wait for spring, but at least I got some cool pictures!


Chelsea said...

Very cool pics! I love the tree fireworks ones. I wouldn't have figured that out if you hadn't said they were pine trees. Question.... why do you have a frowny face after you asked if Felipe is cute? Do you not think he is!? So confused!

Sally said...

I'm so with you on the I hate snow thing. You gotta do what you can to get through until Spring. The fireworks pic IS really cool.

Lisa said...

those are some awesome pics! I'm glad you survived the storm, and Spring officially starts next month! Yahoo!! :)

Diana said...

Very cool pictures!!! Love you

Liz said...

I am totally with you on the snow thing. I moved away from Utah to get out of it. Little did I know, it would snow all winter in DC. Like up to my knees kind of snow. We're supposed to get 24 inches on saturday :( Also, what movie did you see that was only an hour long? I hope it was at the dollar theater.