Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Job

So I started a new job today. I will be working Tues nights from 4:30 - 6 pm. I am tutoring the coolest middle schooler here in Provo. It is perfect because I will be able to save up some extra money for some fun things (like my hammock yoga class next week). Don't worry... I'm still teaching at Orem Jr. High.

I haven't heard about next year - if I have a job or not! Hopefully things will work out. If there isn't a job at OJHS most likely they will transfer me within the district.

We are also looking for a place to move in August. That will be part of my summer goal...

Over all things are going great here at the Sanchez house. We are mostly working, eating and sleeping. We both are teaching 4-H this semester. I'm teaching "Dessert Cooking" and Felipe is teaching "Soccer."

That's all the exciting news for us now. More pictures later I promise (Felipe's job is to post about the Jazz v. Blazer game)

Love you all!
Krys and Fil


Sally said...

You're tutoring Felipe? Just Kidding! I couldn't resist.

Haley said...

I am happy for your new job. sounds cool!!!